PinnedPublished inLEVELSelf-Care Has Become a Pyramid SchemeHow the individualism of self-care is fueling community divideNov 19, 20211561Nov 19, 20211561
PinnedFriendship: Life’s Essential & Under-Appreciated BondI believe friendship to be one of the most sacred bonds we form in our lives. Scientists over the years have studied and observed this bond…Jul 8, 202243Jul 8, 202243
PinnedWhy I think “Impossible” Is One Of The Most Limiting Words To The Human ExperienceAccording to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries, “impossible” is defined as “that cannot exist or be done; not possible.” This word stems…Apr 1, 2022331Apr 1, 2022331
PinnedLesson I Learned From Having Lunch With A Homeless ManEveryone Just Wants A Listening EarApr 21, 202252Apr 21, 202252
PinnedImposter Syndrome And Outside Perspectives Ruled My LifeImposter syndrome is something prevalent to most high achievers. A recent study estimated that more than 80% of adults experience imposter…Mar 11, 20221241Mar 11, 20221241
Lord Bless our Week — 8/08: You Are WorthyLord bless our week. Help remind us that we are worthy of all the good things the universe has to offer. Help us see and live in the dream…Aug 8, 202225Aug 8, 202225
Lord Bless our Week — 8/01: Each Breath Is An Invitation To Begin AgainLord bless our week. Help remind us that with each breath we have the opportunity to begin again. To let go of the past, be present and…Aug 1, 202267Aug 1, 202267
Lord Bless our Week — 7/18: Your Words Matter, Language MattersLord bless our week. Help remind us that there is power in language and word choices. How we describe an event and the story we tell…Jul 18, 2022Jul 18, 2022
Lord Bless our Week — 7/11: You Are Your Greatest TeacherLord bless our week. Help remind us that no one knows us best like we do ourselves and that we are our own greatest teacher.Jul 11, 202228Jul 11, 202228
Lord Bless our Week — 6/27: Forgiveness Is A Continual ProcessLord bless our week. Help remind us that forgiveness is a continual process, takes time and needs to be revisited numerous times. It is not…Jun 27, 202232Jun 27, 202232